Fleet Management for Telco

Telecommunications Fleet Telematics Data Improves Customer Service
Customer retention is critically important to telecommunication companies. Carriers rely heavily on Network Reliability Analysis to ensure network uptime and customer satisfaction. Carriers maintain fleets of vehicles and rapidly dispatch them to repair outages and perform preventative maintenance. With vehicle telematics data, telecommunications fleet managers can analyze and regulate fleet driving behavior, track fleet movements, improve efficiencies, and reduce idle time. Yet mainstream analytics tools haven’t kept pace with the gigabytes of telematics data now streaming from telecommunication fleet vehicles. Telco fleet managers are unable to visualize their entire fleet for real-time decision-making during outages, when prompt customer service matters most.

Managing the Telecommunications Fleet Requires Visualization
HEAVY.AI is the accelerated analytics platform that enables telecommunication fleet managers and data scientists to rapidly visualize their telecom fleets and run advanced SQL queries with millisecond results, all for real-time decision-making. HEAVY.AI's dashboard gives telecom fleet managers an easy and intuitive click and drag interface for Network Reliability Analysis while also plotting the location of fleet vehicles, for rapid vehicle dispatching and total fleet awareness. Telecommunication fleet managers and decision-makers now have access to latency-free fleet telematics analytics and visualizations to help keep their networks running and ensure fleet vehicles are sent to where they’re needed most.

Driving Telecom Fleet Management with Vehicle Telematics Data
Whether you’re tracking ships at sea, managing a fleet of telecom , utility, or public sector vehicles, the HEAVY.AI platform monitors millions, and billions, of vehicle telematics data points allowing seamless fleet telematics data visualization of the entire fleet, or down to single, granular data point. HEAVY.AI is a modern telco fleet analytics tool that allows you to layer all of your fleet telematics data from any source and cross-filter it for rich insights that help to optimize fleet and network operations. Find out what else HEAVY.AI does in the Telecommunications industry.
Accelerated Analytics Explained
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